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Italian Jewish Cuisine | Joint Dinner (PL/EN)

25.06.2024 - 17:00 / Hotel Eden, ul. Ciemna 15

During cookery workshops at the Jewish Culture Festival, we will travel along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. We will visit Italy, Portugal, as well as Greece and Spain to show that the table can bring together different nations and religions and that nothing is more certain than transitions in the kitchen.


Caponata is the best example of fusion between Italian and Jewish cuisine, the latter with Spanish roots. In the course of the workshop, we will show you what delicacies appeared on Jewish and Christian tables and how much effort was sometimes needed to make the classic dishes from Livorno comply with the rules of the kashrut. And how easy it is to forget where caponata came from. We will also try to answer the question why caponata from Sicily has nothing to do with caponata from Naples.


Concia di zucchine – a snack made of zucchini and mint, known under many names in various parts of Italy, we will cook the Neapolitan version with vinegar.

Caponata – a Sicilian way of making eggplants, an example of a dish that the Italian cuisine adopted as its own, although it appeared in Sicilian kitchens only after 1492.

Caciucco – an Italian fish stew from Livorno, adapted by newcomers from Spain so that it could be served on the Jewish table, we will give you all the details!

Pizzarelle – fried matzo donuts? It may sound strange, but it tastes great, not only in Rome, especially if served with honey.

Tickets to one workshop – 250 PLN or pass to all workshops (850 PLN) – available at; limited number of participants (12 persons)