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Voices of Yemen

27.06.2024 - 19:00 / Museum of Engineering and Technology, ul. św. Wawrzyńca 15

VOICES OF YEMEN is a musical ensemble created in 2021 by Ravid Kahalani (Yemen Blues) in partnership with the Association of Culture lead by Dr. Yigal Ben Shalom – whose main focus is to preserve the mystical songs of the Jewish Tribes of Yemen. 

The VOICES OF YEMEN debut album “Judah” presents a carefully selected collection of ritual songs performed by a chorus of energetic and soulful vocalists singing in the uniquely wild style characteristic of their ancestral heritage. 

“Judah” Produced and arranged by enigmatic bassist Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz (Yo-Yo Ma, John Zorn, Cyro Baptista) and Ravid Kahalani.  

Complete with ear-bending vocal harmonies, the powerful Yemenite rhythms of the traditional oil can, and supported by intense amplified grooves and beautiful free soundscapes – VOICES OF YEMEN “Judah” results in an experience that brings this ancient art form to a deep trance-inducing adventure of joyful music and performance.  

VOICES OF YEMEN “Judah” will see the light of the media and global stages in 2022 – featuring:
Moshe Harir – vocals, oil can
Yair Tzabari – vocals, percussion, oud
Aviad Yihye – vocals, percussion
Ravid Kahalani – vocals, percussion
Boaz Gadka – vocals, oil can, percussion
Amitai Aricha – vocals, percussion  

Supporting band:  
Rony Iwryn – percussion
Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz – bass
Ofer Mizrahi – guitar
Dan Mayo – drums 

Tickets (N: 130 / U: 80 PLN) available at and one hour before the concert at the entrance to the venue.

LOT Polish Airlines and Museum of Engineering and Technology are Partners of the 33rd JCF.